One Simple Idea

ENTRE was founded on one simple idea that seems like it shouldn’t even need to be said… that the person who lives your life (YOU!) should also be the one who designs it.

I still remember the day in high school I had the thought that most of the adults around me didn’t seem that happy, so why exactly was I supposed to be taking their advice about how the world works and how to carve out my life within it?

I remember asking my math teacher “Umm excuse me sir, but according to my math if I take the average rate of inflation, the average starting salary, and the average rate of wage increases there is zero chance I will be able to retire. So why exactly am I studying so hard to get into college to get a job that I probably won’t love and is going to make me broke over time anyway?”

You can imagine the response I got, and looking back I have empathy for the spot I put that teacher in… he was a young teacher and in his mind he was probably doing his own math around the future insolvency of his pension program. He was a math teacher after all…

Even at a young age it was clear to me that the system was broken and that taking advice from people stuck inside of it didn’t make a lot of sense. So in 1996, shortly before my 17th birthday, I dropped out of high school to pursue a life of adventure and see what else was out there. Surely there had to be a different path than the one we were all shown in school. Thankfully, there was.

You’ve likely felt the same call… that’s probably what brought you to this site. Perhaps you felt it at a young age like I did, but ignored it? Perhaps as you get older you sense there must be more to life? Or perhaps you are still young and questioning what you’ve been told like I did based on what you see around you?

Whatever the case, be encouraged! There is indeed another way, or rather millions of them. In fact, there are as many other ways as there are people who seek them. And what’s even more exciting is there is a system to discover it for yourself, a system called Life Design. And it’s a proven system with some extraordinary stats behind it since it was launched in 2019.

  • Over 250,000 students

  • Over 20,000 businesses launched

  • Thousands of marriages and other relationships improved

  • Millions of pounds lost (fat) or gained (muscle)

  • Thousands of stories of quitting smoking and other vices cured

  • Thousands of people finding more purpose and fulfillment in their lives

  • And of course, ONE more story to be written…

And that next story starts with a free masterclass which you’re invited to watch. Please enjoy it, and thanks in advance for being a part of ENTRE’s story and letting us be a part of yours.

Jeff Lerner


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