We are committed to helping you create a life of fulfillment while building wealth and leaving a legacy

Our Story

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“The Dam Just Broke”

On September 20, 2018, after a particularly frustrating day, Jeff Lerner told his wife Jaqueline he was going for a drive to “decompress”. While out driving the local backroads Jeff recorded a video called “Let’s Get Extreme” in which he called out society for settling for mediocrity and labeling those who strive to do better as “extreme”. The video (and others that followed) started to get shared virally and a movement was born…


“People Want More”

After the viral success of the first few videos Jeff began a daily habit of sharing video trainings on the unique combination of entrepreneurship and personal development (psychology, philosophy, etc) that Jeff & Jaqueline credited their life success too (a method that came to be known as Life Design). After almost a year there were enough people watching and asking for more it seemed worth creating a course to organize the ideas of Life Design. On July 21, 2019 “The ENTRE Blueprint” sold it’s first copy (of over 200,000).


ENTRE Has Legs!

In January of 2020, The ENTRE Blueprint was selling a few hundred copies a month and ENTRE had about 20 team members. People were loving the unique combination of Entrepreneurship and Personal Development and wild success stories started emerging – not just of people building successful businesses but also losing weight, quitting smoking, improving marriages, repairing broken relationships, etc. Then in March, “the Pandemic” happened…


3-2-1 Blast Off

Nothing like a little Pandemic to pour gas on the fire of a new business that teaches people how to thrive working from home. In the 14 months after the Pandemic was declared ENTRE grew 4000% and by spring of 2021 was a “unicorn in the making” with well over 100 team members and over 100,000 customers.


What Got Us Here Won’t Get Us There

In Fall of 2022 Jeff & Jaqueline Lerner were not happy. What had sprung up humbly & organically out of sharing their life’s work was now being steered by an executive team that saw dollar signs. ENTRE had become a juggernaut, bringing in thousands of new members a month, and while student results were far above the (generally terrible) averages for the online business education industry, Jeff & Jaqueline did not feel ENTRE was serving its members at the highest level. They felt the holistic Life Design message had been watered down in favor of a more typical “make money online” message, so after Jeff published his book Unlock Your Potential in August of 2022 it was time to set matters right and in October 2022 he retook the reigns as ENTRE CEO.


Rip It Down To The Studs

Over a 2 year period Jeff & Jaqueline slowly reasserted their control and influence over ENTRE. In October 2022 when Jeff retook the CEO seat it was an almost 200 person team. By Fall of 2024 it was around 40 team members. And it wasn’t only the org chart that was transformed… during the same time every component of ENTRE was turned over – from the tech stack to the marketing to the products themselves.

Fall 2024


Today ENTRE is what you see here on this site – the world’s first Life Design platform that combines Personal Development and Entrepreneurship into a unique crusade that helps people uplift themselves by improving every aspect of their lives… including their personal finances. After 5 years and over a quarter millions students ENTRE is the only company on earth that can claim a success rate 63 TIMES higher than the industry average at helping people increase their income after 12 months AND a 99.9% success rate at helping members improve their overall quality of life (based on survey feedback).