About The Workshop

LifeDesign™ workshop will help you build new skills so you can use smart technologies to create great places and improve outcomes for local communities. Past sessions are available on demand.

The workshop series aims to:

  • It is possible for any one of us to get our needs met and achieve fulfillment
  • Agree to our Agreements – what non-negotiables are we willing to commit our life to?
  • Define our Personal Values ( ENTRE proposes 10 as a starting point)

The workshop were tailored for individuals involved in:

  • Become Purpose-Aware – Define current level of clarity on our purpose and readiness to live it
  • Craft our Vision – What would the world look like if I fully achieve my purpose as I currently understand it?
  • Personal Mission – HOW am I going to bring my purpose, values, and agreements to life in the world on a daily basis?

Student Experiences

We’re lucky to have a community that inspires us every day.
Read first-hand why people love our workshops

The workshop on Introduction to User-Centric Design was fantastic! The content was well-structured and easy to follow, with relevant examples that helped me understand the concepts better.

The hands-on activities were very engaging and practical.

Picture of Jeff Lerner

Jeff Lerner

Entre Student

The workshop on Introduction to User-Centric Design was fantastic! The content was well-structured and easy to follow, with relevant examples that helped me understand the concepts better.

Picture of Jeff Lerner

Jeff Lerner

CEO at entresoft

The workshop on Introduction to User-Centric Design was fantastic! The content was well-structured and easy to follow, with relevant examples that helped me understand the concepts better.

The hands-on activities were very engaging and practical.

Picture of Jeff Lerner

Jeff Lerner

Entre Student

The workshop on Introduction to User-Centric Design was fantastic! The content was well-structured and easy to follow, with relevant examples that helped me understand the concepts better.

The hands-on activities were very engaging and practical. John, the instructor, was knowledgeable and approachable, explaining the concepts clearly and taking the time to answer all our questions.

Picture of Jeff Lerner

Jeff Lerner

Entre Student

The workshop on Introduction to User-Centric Design was fantastic! The content was well-structured and easy to follow, with relevant examples that helped me understand the concepts better. The hands-on activities were very engaging and practical. 

The workshop on Introduction to User-Centric Design was fantastic! The content was well-structured and easy to follow, with relevant examples that helped me understand the concepts better.

The hands-on activities were very engaging and practical. John, the instructor, was knowledgeable and approachable, explaining the concepts clearly and taking the time to answer all our questions.

The workshop on Introduction to User-Centric Design was fantastic! The content was well-structured and easy to follow, with relevant examples that helped me understand the concepts better. 

The hands-on activities were very engaging and practical.
Picture of Jeff Lerner

Jeff Lerner

Entre Student

The workshop on Introduction to User-Centric Design was fantastic! The content was well-structured and easy to follow, with relevant examples that helped me understand the concepts better. 

The hands-on activities were very engaging and practical. John, the instructor, was knowledgeable and approachable, explaining the concepts clearly and taking the time to answer all our questions.

The workshop on Introduction to User-Centric Design was fantastic! The content was well-structured and easy to follow, with relevant examples that helped me understand the concepts better. 

The hands-on activities were very engaging and practical.
Picture of Jeff Lerner

Jeff Lerner

Entre Student

Upcoming Workshop

16 November 2023